Shoulder injuries can range from very serious with the need for surgery to conservative rehab with the help of physical therapists.
Unfortunately, most people hope that these injuries will just go away, and more times than not, we stop training that muscle group and create more problems in the long run. One of the most common shoulder injuries in the exercising population is impingement. That is where a tendon of the rotator cuff complex gets pinched when a person lifts their arm overhead. This can refer to the front of the arm, the top of the shoulder, and into the mid back. This can be caused by most commonly three things.
Most people hope that these injuries will just go away, and more times than not, we stop training that muscle group and create more problems in the long run.
One of the most common shoulder injuries in the exercising population is impingement. That is where a tendon of the rotator cuff complex gets pinched when a person lifts their arm overhead. This can refer to the front of the arm, the top of the shoulder, and into the mid back.
This can be caused by most commonly three things:
Skeletal deformity
We as humans are made differently, and some of us are more likely to have this injury based on how our shoulder is made. A part of our shoulder blade called the “acromion” makes a tunnel with the clavicle in which a muscle, the supraspinatus runs through. Some of us will have an acromion that is more pointed/rounded. When we lift overhead the acromion will hit the tendon and create inflammation.
Some people will think they are resting their shoulder when they are doing back, chest, or bicep/triceps exercises. Seek help from a personal trainer or physical therapist to get safe programming to give yourself the right plan.
Your posture
We live in The modern world with computers and cell phones. This makes our shoulders rounded overtime and then we will lift with the same posture. If we lift with the wrong shoulder posture we train the wrong muscle groups and irritate the muscle of our shoulder eventually leading to shoulder injury.
If you are having pain get help from a physical therapist and programming from a personal trainer. You may know a lot, but these people can help you avoid a larger issue in the future.
We are here to help you! Contact us for a consultation today.